
Artospective magazine interview.

I grew up on a family with special love for arts, my great grandfather was a professional photographer and writer on the 30’s, he was mentioned as one of the best vanguard photographers by the Spanish press. I never meet him, but he was very important person to my grandfather, he learned of him to appreciate all the artistic disciplines, and he transferred this passion to the rest of the family.

Artospective magazine interview. Read More »

LeCool interview, 2016. (Spanish)

Llegamos al taller de Otero, donde nos recibe mientras se limpia de las manos los restos de color de una de sus últimas obras. El espacio es pequeño y las pinturas numerosas, y en las paredes cuelgan pinturas de su obra iniciática envolviendo una fotografía de su abuelo en actitud cómica. Mientras aparta lápices de color de la mesa, aprovecho para fisgonear la estantería donde, entre cuatro libros de arte, descubro un enorme volumen sobre anatomía.

LeCool interview, 2016. (Spanish) Read More »

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